Shameless legislator Nora Campos spent the past month accusing state Senator Jim Beall of various improprieties while her husband, Neil Struthers, fended off accusations that he stooped to racial and homophobic slurs while provoking a losing fight at a Fairmont Hotel ballroom. All the while, Campos refused to provide nary a shred of evidence to back up her accusations. Before that, her embarrassments were mostly confined to running her Assembly office like Gordon Ramsay’s Hell’s Kitchen and being accused of funding a stolen election for her baby brother, ex-San Jose Councilman Xavier Campos. Her shamelessness quotient has risen to new heights, however, with her decision last week to award Voler Strategic Advisors the “Business of the Year” award for Assembly District 27, which covers east and south San Jose. For those unfamiliar with Voler’s work, Fly checked it out and none other than Xavier works for the tiny consulting firm that also employs Nora’s longtime political consultant, Rolando Bonilla. No one at Campos’ capitol and district offices would provide any information on what Voler does, or why it received the award over other small businesses—such as the ones struggling to survive while Campos does nothing. Voler’s website announces more info is “coming soon!” CEO Perla Rodriguez cut short a phone interview Tuesday after she refused to name even one of her company’s clients. A little more digging found that Voler hardly qualifies to be a “Business of the Year” considering it received a California business license on July 23, 2015—less than a year ago. One client we did find is a $21,000 contract Voler signed with the Franklin-McKinley School District, which almost passed without a single discussion were it not for Omar Torres, the lone trustee to vote against the contract. “With all the businesses in Assembly District 27 making great contributions,” Torres said, “that is ridiculous that [Nora] would nominate Voler.”
Bonus Fly Notes:
Voler Strategic Advisors says its “experts are highly sought after thought leaders,” but the company’s Twitter feed has just 34 followers. Thought leaders they retweet include Megyn Kelly and Fox News.
Rolando Bonilla is the company’s “chief strategic officer,” but his LinkedIn profile makes no mention of the company. His last role was running the firm Ford & Bonilla with former consulting partner, Ryan Ford. Bonilla’s LinkedIn profile suggests that firm came to an end in September.
Xavier Campos’ LinkedIn profile says he is Voler’s “senior vice president for government strategy and land use.” He also worked for Ford & Bonilla, but his profile notes that he stopped working there in December, apparently four months after Bonilla left his eponymous firm. Could it be Xavier wanted to cover up any gap in employment?
Voler’s contract with Franklin-McKinley notes that the company was hired to support the district’s new public information officer for $7,000 a month. Basically, this means the “Business of the Year” supplemented a job one person should have been perfectly capable of doing on their own.
And just because, here is a picture of Bonilla and actor Tim Robbins, two highly sought after thought leaders.

Photo via Facebook
A bit more background on the award and the criteria for even being nominated, please. Or is this a sole source “award” that only Nora has control over? Oh yeah, what’s the prize? Is this like the “participation trophies” awarded at many athletic leagues these days, or just another prize for lazy, loser millennials? Check out You’ve Gotta Love Millenials”.
That video is spot on and judging by their public service records both of the disgraced Campos’ fit the bill for lazy, loser millenials (but Nora may be a bit old to be considered a true millenial)
Someone please tell these losers that their public service careers are toast. No one of merit takes them serious and no amount of re-defining themselves will make them viable. They’re faulty products and the public has already caught on.
> Basically, this means the “Business of the Year” supplemented a job one person should have been perfectly capable of doing on their own.
“… a job one person should have been perfectly capable of doing on HIS own.”
The reason for the mass misuse of plural pronouns where singular pronouns are required is the imposition of gender political correctness by feminist tribalists. People were so intimidated by the WOMYN that they didn’t want to be scolded by the nags for saying “HIS” and be accused and convicted of gender stereotyping.
It isn’t a misuse. This pronoun can be used after an indefinite singular antecedent in place of “his” or “hers”. Because the antecedent in this case is “person” and we can’t determine gender from this word, it’s acceptable – and more appropriate – to use “their”. But to your point, conspiracies are everywhere, especially to those who look for them in the most innocuous places, like the “mass misuse” of pronouns. The only way out, for you, is to go ahead and have your heart attack now.
Campos is done in politics. Maybe she can next land a job as a bureaucrat – such as at the VTA or Wster District.
Maybe she can get a job as a though leader with some consulting firm. I hear Voler is an up and coming outfit, they even received the prestigious “Business of the Year” award for Assembly District 27.
I’m sure she’ll be as in demand as her ousted brother was when he was bounced from office
Hmmm…. thought leader! I like that! Means absolutely nothing but is so absurd that those less educated will be drawn to it. Maybe I will include that in my next resume. What a pity!
If you google a Thought Leader is supposed to be a go-to expert in their field. Someone who is a sought after authority in a specialized field. Baby X was the first sitting city council member to be outsted in a primary and his Big Sis Nora is about to be trounced in her primary so I guess that sorta makes them experts in the field of political failures. Maybe their is something to a thought leader after all.
As outrageous as Campos naming her brother’s company “Business of the Year” is the Franklin-McKinley School District’s unnecessary and wasteful hiring of the company for $7,000 a month to augment the district’s public information staff member. Can’t that person function on his or her own?
You’re a democrat, you’re pretty, you’re a brazen bully…. YOU WIN!! and so do all the other wannabe’s that hang out with you. Aren’t any of you sick of this type of scummy reptile yet?? Courage? anyone??
This is a disgusting example of nepotism.