Two men died after a pair of unrelated officer-involved shootings took place over a six-hour stretch in San Jose.
The most recent shooting happened minutes after midnight Monday, when San Jose police rushed to a home on San Marcos Street after a woman called about her brother showed up drunk with a shotgun. Two officers shot at the man, who retreated into the house.
Police surrounded the building and called in the SWAT team. After five hours, they used a flash-bang to break in and found the man dead. No officers were hurt. It's unclear whether the man died by police fire or turned a gun on himself.
Hours earlier, at about 6:20pm Sunday, police responded to a stabbing at Virginia Avenue and South 34th Street. The suspected attacker bolted before cops arrived, leaving the victim behind.
Officers tracked down the suspect at San Antonio Avenue and Packing Place, where, "fearing for their safety and the safety of the public," they shot and killed him, according to the San Jose Police Department. An ambulance rushed the victim to a hospital, where he was treated for serious injuries.
Last night brings the number of fatal officer-involved shootings to three this year. The first happened little more than a week ago. According to the Mercury News, the shootings come during a spike in violent crime that led to heightened police presence in downtown and the East Side.
SJPD sent the following tally of officer-involved shootings:
YTD 2015 cases: 6
3 Non-fatal
3 Fatal
Total 2014 cases: 5
3 Non-fatal
2 Fatal
UPDATE: San Jose police on Tuesday released names and photos of the two men who were shot and killed over the weekend, as well images of the weapons they allegedly possessed.
AJ Phillips, 30, shot and killed himself inside a San Marcos Street home, after brandishing a handgun and shotgun as two officers approached the building, according to police.

AJ Phillips
In a separate incident later that evening, police pursued Edrian Rivera following a reported stabbing that led to a person being transported to the hospital with life-threatening injuries. Rivera, 22, fled the scene in a car and later on foot, leading to a short chase on the 200 block of Packing Place. Rivera allegedly brandished a meat clever, which is when two officers opened fire and killed him.

Edrian Rivera
Police are asking anyone with information regarding the above cases to contact Detective Sergeant Milliken #3591 or Detective Corral #3469 of the San Jose Police Department’s Homicide Unit at 408.277.5283. Anyone wishing to provide information anonymously can also call Silicon Valley Crimestoppers at 408.947.STOP (7867) or visit Police say tipsters may be eligible for a reward.
The last paragraph is untrue… There have been 3 fatal OIS this year, but last week’s was not the first, nor fatal. That’s what happens when you get your info from the Murky Mews. SJI is almost as bad these days, in their rush to portray police as the problem.
It also happens when your are prone to just plain MAKING STUFF UP.
Here is the SJI quote: “Last night brings the number of fatal officer-involved shootings to three this year. The first happened little more than a week ago. According to the Mercury News, the shootings come during a spike in violent crime that led to heightened police presence in downtown and the East Side.”
100% correct. SJI is ” prone to… ” I have a long history of pointing this out and have had many posts challenging this sites integrity deleted… sorry if I wasn’t clear you and I are nearly always on the same page…
Didn’t we “San Jose” have a police officer shot earlier this year, or is my old mind playing tricks on me again?
ABC news says, some one is threatening to bring hundreds of thousands of people out over this”.
Am I to take that as a threat to San Jose to turn this city into the next Ferguson?
I think our Police Chief and Sheriff should know about this.
Yes lets riot for the stabbing suspect who hacked another citizen and is not clinging to life in ICU over at Regional Medical Center. Deadly force is completely justifiable even if the guy was running away with the knife in his hand. Deadly force may be used to in the defense of an officers life, a citizens life or the suspect is an ongoing deadly threat to the public. Id say the last part fits perfect. Now lets give the microphone to the local activist such as Debug, cop watch and asian law alliance. They can vomit their anti police anti law rhetoric. This is one of the reasons Trump is doing so well, people are sick and tired of criminals and politicians ruining the quality of life for everyone…. When will we be hearing more nonsensical sound bites from Rambling Sam regarding police shootings? I thought we had a chief of police in this “town”.
Sham Liccardo attended a Hands Up Don’t Shoot anti-police rally during his campaign… The video is on YouTube. Even after the lies of Ferguson were exposed, he has not apologized or even acknowledged that HUDS was fabricated. Sham, the Murky Mews and SJI are rarely held accountable for their agenda, bias and outright lies.
Posted by Sham himself: let’s see if he keeps it up or deletes it:
The decedent, who attacked a Police Officer after committing a felony was killed in self defense. The Justice Department investigation exonerated the Officer and reaffirmed the Grand Jury decision. Sham Lick-Hard-Oh called it “injustice, bigotry and violence” in his condemnation and has not admitted he was wrong or apologized. He fanned the flames of riots and shamelessly used the Hands Up Don’t Shoot lies to get elected. Anyone else reading between the lines to see that he has deep rooted hatred for SJPD?
> Sham Lick-Hard-Oh called it “injustice, bigotry and violence” in his condemnation and has not admitted he was wrong or apologized.
I’ve always seen it spelled “Liccardo”. I didn’t know they were teaching phonics again in the schools.
Nobody is rallying or rioting for these two. Just because Empty Gun said “ABC news says…” without any reference doesn’t mean anything (although they did spell those words correctly, so they get a point). You don’t need to roll up a snowball of hypotheticals into ridiculous Trump-laced aggression, throwing in the mayor and whoever else you have a problem with. In this case there is very little in common with the most visible officer-involved shootings that have been in the news over the last couple years. One guy was drunk with a shotgun and the other had just stabbed someone. This happened in a city that has very few officer-involved shootings, not just this year but historically. Calm down. Nobody, including Mayor Liccardo, is going to be rallying around these two as victims of an unjust shooting by rogue cops. I seems you have some emotional commitment to they-hate-cops-and-they’re-out-to-ruin-us narratives, but do not confuse your hallucinations with realities.
Dear Botched,
The ABC- KGO news story was By David Louie Dated August 10, 2015 and it’s still posted as is the tens of thousands reference.
Nobody is rioting here here because few people around here believe the San Jose PD is as racist as SJI reporters would have you believe.
Here we have two very clearly justified officer involved shootings. In both incidents, the officers were responding to reports of dangerous Suspects who were armed with deadly weapons. These incidents share very little with Wilson & Brown’s confrontation outside of the fact an officer’s gun was fired.
I don’t see much reporting on the recent Homicide Victims we’ve had. Not sensational enough? I’m certain one of these news corporations that panders to public “outcry” and “social justice” would have no problem locating a family member who wouldn’t be thrilled to gush about their decedent. Think about how “exclusive” those interviews would be.. And how they would make light of the rampant violence on San Jose streets..
Oh well.. I guess the media will just continue to keep trying to make what is right seem wrong, and scrutinize every move the police make..
Here is the link….
He was quick to jump on the vote gathering band wagon and politically popular bashing of the police, but not so quick to apologize when his facts are proven incorrect by HIS federal government’s own investigation. This is why city employees are not so forgiving of his past indiscretions or demonization of the police and one of the main reasons the officers that have left will never come back.
After penning an opinion piece with gReed about how the settlement of Measure B is good for San Jose, our “historic” Mayor has reneged. Apparently Sham Lick-Hard-Oh couldn’t keep his word or honor an agreement (again). No wonder the employees can’t trust him:
“Last night brings the number of fatal officer-involved shootings to three this year. The first happened little more than a week ago. ”
Josh or which ever junior editor is on duty …you might want to check your work a little closer… the link you use to claim that SJPD had a FATAL officer involved shooting “last week” does not support your allegation that the shooting resulted in a fatality.
FYI (1) last week’s shooting did not result an any fatality and (2) nobody suffered ANY known injuries as a result of the gunfire from the police OR the suspect.
You know full well that I have little respect for SJI or its staff… the crazy side of me says the collective “you” (SJI staff) intentionally put erroneous information like this in your articles because of an anti-police agenda I believe you promote.
What else could it be? If I am not crazy (or as City Hall staffer Cathagus has diagnosed me: insane… possible violation of SJI’selectively enforced rules on personal attacks) then it means that the collective “you” at SJI really are not very good at your jobs.
Two more gang pr*cks off the streets in SJ. Works 4 me. Now we won’t have to spend $60k/year housing them in state prison. A win-win.
Perhaps Mayor Sam and the staff of SJI can be deputized and spend their evenings ridding shot gun with the PD.
Might be good for there souls!
Glad the officers are safe.
Perhaps a little knowledge will help people understand better. More Caucasians are shot and killed by police than any other race.
What has happened is other agencies have racked up a better score in recent weeks so San Jose now has Bumper Stickers that say “I Was In Fear For My Life Or That Of Another” They must read it 10 times at beginning of shift when they load their Beat Packs in the trunk. If they tend to forget then the stickers will be on the dash board and if that doesn’t work it will be on the doors where LAPD has their “To Protect and Serve”. with a stack of Barley in the center.
Where are the Dash cam videos after the Chief, IA, City Attorney and mouthpiece from Jeff “The Protector’s ” Rosen’s Office. Show me an ME who is willing to falsify a death certificate and say he killed himself. “The New Police Protocol across the Nation is to “Avoid Taking Credit for the kill and simply state the suspect shot himself”. Saves money when you have already paid out $5,000,000.00 and $900,000.00 this year along with the other silent settlements. The man with the cleaver left it at the scene, the man with the shotgun didn’t shoot himself. These cops are really something else. It’s ok because if they keep it up they”ll be like Baltimore and Ferguson and it can’t come soon enough.
Jack Slade
William “Tom” Carey, a retired Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department captain, has agreed to plead guilty to lying on the stand in a criminal trial and will receive a reduced sentence if he cooperates with prosecutors, according to a document filed in federal court today.
Congratulations SJPD you have now viciously shot your way into an FBI Attorney General Investigation. You have now killed yourselves into a pending take over and consent degree with Tom Frazier being lined up to re-take over the SJPD. But let’s seal the deal and kill 5 or 6 more “He reached for his waistband ” murders. I could hire gangbangers if all I need is killers. Where are the body cam and dash cam videos. Where are the digital recordings of your killing contacts? The only thing that can save you is those recordings or put you in prison where you belong. How dumb are your people to keep killing instead of catching and prosecuting criminals. You have not scared the public as much as you have drawn a focus on your serial killing. People still don’t have to be afraid to walk the streets, they just have to get rid of all of through firing.
My question is were the same cops involved in both incidents
Kind of late reading your E-Mail?
The mother of one of the victims speaks out: