Magdalena Carrasco got redemption in last June’s election, when she defeated Xavier Campos in a rematch for San Jose’s East Side council seat. Most people were happy to see her perseverance pay off after fraudulent mailers that tied her to communism—and were later found to be stamped with the spit of ex-county supervisor George Shirakawa Jr.—thwarted her first attempt. But now, less than three months after taking office, sources in and around City Hall say Carrasco already has her sights set on a run for the State Assembly in 2016, which would most likely require her to begin campaigning this summer. Victor Gomez, Carrasco’s chief of staff and a council member in his own right in Hollister, tells Fly that his boss hasn’t pulled or filed any papers to run and her focus is on the job at hand. “We have so much work to do out there,” Gomez admits. That’s true—East Side is the poorest district in the city and Carrasco campaigned on a platform to end the corruption and ineffectiveness of Campos and his cronies. But when Gomez was asked to confirm whether his boss will make a run or not, he stopped responding. Carrasco has also refused to respond to multiple requests for comment. San Jose Councilman Ash Kalra has already filed papers to make a push for the seat, currently held by Xavier’s big sister, Nora Campos, who terms out at the end of next year. Madison Nguyen, San Jose’s former vice mayor, also has acknowledged she plans to run. With recent changes to term limits in the state legislature, the next person to represent Assembly District 27 could conceivably hold on to the seat for 12 years, making Carrasco’s timing a bit of now or never. And she would have a powerful financier for a Sacramento run in her ex, Kevin de León, president of the State Senate. Carrasco's addition to the Assembly would offer another ally to de León. But starting another campaign and dropping her vow to restore order to East Side might be an abdication of responsibility voters won’t forget.
The Fly
Sources: Magdalena Carrasco Already Looking at Higher Office
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Magdalena Carrasco is already considering a run for State Assembly after just three months on the San Jose City Council, according to sources.
Her ex husband took bribe money from the fbi and returned and turned states evidence. Put another de leon in Sacramento and we are only adding to the problem. Her husband dosent even live where he says he does but hes protected until the calderon scandle gets underway
Usually Ex’s are only nice to each other for the kids, I can’t imagine a universe where Carrasco would do any huge favors for her ex. Another “usually” Usually women that go through the trouble of changing their name back from their previous married name are not burning any candles for said ex.
Maybe she divorced him because she thought he was scummy, and didn’t want to get dragged down into his quagmire. If she runs for Assembly, awesome. She’s doing a great job so far.
@Cortese you always have an opinion about everything and nothing. What office are you running for? Please take a day off.
I dunno if i’m going to run for anything just yet, but I’ll let you know if I do. Stock vests, I might just move to a nicer area. Time will tell.
BTW Further reading this article, it’s completely made up. Fly claims their question wasn’t answered, but it was.
Victor Gomez, Carrasco’s chief of staff and a council member in his own right in Hollister, tells Fly that his boss hasn’t pulled or filed any papers to run and her focus is on the job at hand.
So basically this article was baseless, made from rumors and speculation. Nice going Fly!
After reading your post on Carrasco, I felt the desparate need to wash my hands.
You guys are absolutely sick with starting another Honda episode, with this young lioness!
I am more than despondent with your methods.
Can’t you Knuckle Heads allow life to exist with out fanning a false fire.
Your last sentence on Carrasco, almost made me sick to my stomach.
Did you lick any of those stamps, with Getgie and Baby X.
What you have created , makes those to losers, look like Alter Boys.
Blacksmith, twice this week we agree on something.
Did the planets align or some other cosmic event? Solar flare?
The one disparaging thing is, both Carrasco and Cordell are strong women, yet it seems like both SJI and the commenters are very afraid of them. Then again, most of these commenters are single angry men with mommy issues. Hats off to you sir.
R.M. Cortese,
You and I have never disagreed on any thing, related TO THIS EXCELLANT VENUE.
I do appreciate that you can understand my feelings, about my community.
I do have a grave concern, about our new mayor. The last one left me feeling empty and out side the process of community. Perhaps there was too much starch in his shorts. he was the heir apparent to the Great Gonzo , who built a tremendous Bird Cage that not even the Nesting Falcons could use to reproduce their young.
I look back now and see those two guys as brace mates into the worst thing that could befall our community’s peaceful gentry.
The concept of tarring and feathering a man, and running him out of town, may be what could be for all of us a unique
concept, for today.
May The God of Israel bring blessings,peace,protection and prosperity to District 5 for many long years to come. May District 5 and all of San Jose be blessed with sweet blessings and good news. May LOVE and PROSPERITY be flowing upon us all. One Love.