Pete Constant: Self-Appointed Censor-in-Chief

If our city council’s holier-than-thou moral army member Pete Constant really wants to put a stop to any opportunities for “sexual misconduct and lewd behavior” in the Martin Luther King Jr. (MLK) Library, why doesn’t he advocate the installation of men’s room toilet stalls with walls all the way to the floor in case Larry Craig comes to town? Or why doesn’t he work to stop distribution of applications for the Congressional page program there in case some hapless San Jose student gets an intern position with the likes of Congressman Foley or Senator Vitter? Oh, wait: Craig, Foley, and Vitter are members of the Republican moral army too. Ironically, Constant’s plan to restrict internet access at the library will presumably mean that the more than 1.25 million websites mentioning the extracurricular activities of these three men—Craig (778,000 Google hits), Foley (75,000 Google hits) and Vitter (400,000 Google hits)—will be on his porn censorship list.

I spend many hours a week in the MLK Library. Since we last discussed this matter over a year ago, I have circulated around every floor several times each month and have yet to discover a single instance of someone looking at a porn site of any kind. Yet, I have heard of teenagers looking at the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition that is prominently displayed in the magazine section, as are dozens of national news magazines with Larry Craig’s picture on the cover.

According to library director Jane Light, there have been two dozen arrests for sexual offenses and disorderly conduct at the library in the past two years. That represents five percent of the total arrests made there in that time period. There is absolutely no evidence that open internet access at the library is to blame. The fact is, “lewd” conduct can take place anywhere at any time. What’s to stop patrons from bringing in their own dirty magazines or wireless access laptops to the library and sneaking a peek at whatever they want when they feel like it? What about stopping gun nuts from looking at the National Rifle Association’s (NRA) site on library computers instead? They might shoot or rob somebody in the library. If it’s a numbers game, I’m sure that there were far more than 24 arrests for public drunkenness downtown last week. Why doesn’t Constant call for the prohibition of alcohol in the city?

Constant’s personal crusade is a big waste and tying up too much time at City Hall. There isn’t one thing on the council’s agenda that isn’t far more important than this issue. Constant and the council ought to be figuring our how to fix our crumbling infrastructure, fill up the potholes, reverse deficit spending and get our swimming pools open this summer.

The truth is, the MLK Library is well run and adequately policed. The library system is one of our area’s greatest assets and the partnership between the city and the university is unique. The library is primarily a public learning institution and, as such, all conduits of information must remain open there. No amount of internet filtering is going to change anything, and it is a slippery slope to more censorship. And ask yourself: Who will decide what should and should not be censored? Pete Constant? Larry Craig? The NRA?


  1. Dear Jack,

    Fixing streets, balancing the budget, public safety, swimming pools and parks are boring.

    Our city council doesn’t want to do boring things.  They like to fund public art that we can’t afford, spend money on grand prix races, require labor peace, install internet filters, name business districts, fund heritage plazas, etc.

  2. Good post. Too bad Constant’s fellow Councilmembers don’t tell him to knock it off and get to work on the business of the City instead of his own moral crusade. He is simply the pawn of the Pegram-wing of holier-than-thou’s who know what is best for everyone else.
    City time and money should not be wasted on some fringe group’s censorship ploy. Focus on the real issues and problems facing the city.
    Once again, San Jose emerges as an embarrassment to real cities. Will we ever grow up?

  3. We library lovers have been watching Neo-Constant and Larry Pegram push the right-wing agenda at City Hall. What a dissappointment he has been. Supposedly he debated the librarian about the evolution of masturbation in our libraries. Would have loved to have popcorn for that one. Now that is leadership! For enhanced outreach on the issue he wants library staff to talk to parents and kids at circle-time. There’s a wholesome topic. “Children lets put down Dr. Seus and talk porn for a moment.”

  4. We couldn’t have diversity without a nutsoid right-wing contingent. Constant is likely not a member, though. He’s just a shrewd politician targeting the most fearful entity of all: the good ol’ family.

    P.S. George, shut up about the damn streets. Try walking places. Our sidewalks are fine.

  5. Jack Van Zandt made himself the moral arbiter about filling a vacancy on the Berryessa school board last fall, so it is appropriate to let readers know that the Merc published a story on page B4 today on the same topic:

    We have found out, by the way, who the real author of his essay happens to be, as well as who provided 4 or 5 of the anonymous or cleverly named commenters who also piled on. More will be revealed.

  6. Jimmy Olsen nailed it.  Constant is willingly being used as a vehicle by the Pegram hate group.  He needs to be voted out at the earliest opportunity, but I am confident that the other council members will not back him up on this filtering and censorship nonsense.

  7. I luv some of the clever, apt names people post under—Dewey Decimal is a great handle for this thread.

    Although I remain unconvinced that the CSJ & SJSU should be in the business of providing free porn to all comers, this “issue” is so far down the list of what needs to happen here that it should just go away.

    Maybe we could just photograph the wankers in the library when they are arrested and post their pictures for all to see in the Larry Craig proofed new lavs.

  8. Talk about councilmembers having too much free time in their hands. You can add our Vice-Mayors name to that list. Calling on the City’s Human Rights Commission to get involved in the Little Saigon issue has infuriated some of his supporters including myself. It seems when a politician is running for office he will do and say just about anything to get votes and his face in the Mercury News. As Constance stated” The listening should have started before the council’s vote”. Just when people were hoping this issues would begin to die down, here comes Dave to throw some fuel on the fire. Maybe the Mayor should listen to all the residents of district 7 instead of a small group of protesters who’s members don’t even live in the district. We should all thank our Vice-Mayor for his lack of leadership. It seems as if Mayor Reed made a big mistake in picking his Vice-Mayor.

  9. #8 – You got that right. In this case, pander is not just a black and white bear from China.
    What a collection we’ve got. Constant will save us from ourselves, Cortese will do whatever it takes to pick up a vote or two, and the rest of us are left to shake our heads in wonder and embarrassment.

  10. #8- Didn’t you post a whole bunch of Cortese bashing comments on the Merc’s blog yesterday? Sorry, I disagree with you. Communication on this issue is very much needed if any resolution is to happen. I support the Vice Mayor’s efforts to bring the appropriate parties together to try to bring closure for everyone concerned.

    Jack, have you invited Council Member Constant to give his two cents on why he’s doing this? I don’t agree with censorship either, but I’d like to see you invite Pete on here to do a column so we can ask him some questions about it.

  11. According to library director Jane Light, there have been two dozen arrests for sexual offenses and disorderly conduct at the library in the past two years. That represents five percent of the total arrests made there in that time period.

    Twenty four arrests is only 5% of all arrests at the MLK library over 2 years?  I am not a math whiz, but that seems to indicate that there were over 400 arrests at the library during a two year period.  That is about 17 arrests a month.

    What the heck is going on there?  Maybe they should move the library to the Eastside so it will be safer.

  12. #10 Sorry but you have the wrong individual. I don’t put comments in the Mercury News blog, Trying to bring parties together to solve an issue should start by notifying the people involved instead of stabbing them in the back. In this case Madison was the victim.

  13. #14- My apologies, your style of writing looks similar to those on yesterday’s Merc blog. “Trying to bring parties together to solve an issue should start by notifying the people involved instead of stabbing them in the back. In this case Madison was the victim. ”
    I don’t want to make any assumptions here. I’m not sure what you are saying. Could you let us know what you are alleging, and by whom? Oh, out of respect for all concerned, may be we might want to take this discussion back onto A Needless Battle, as this column is on a different topic. Thanks.

  14. #14 –

    Madison did this to herself when she commissioned a poll of residents near the Business District to see what it should be named, then ignored the poll when it said the majority wanted “Little Saigon”.  She had enough meetings with this community to know how upset they would be if she ignored their request. 
    I think seeing Cortese stepping in and trying to find a solution for everyone is a noble gesture, and he should be rewarded for it.  It is the kind of thing he has always done in his career.

  15. 16 – Are you really advocating for government by polls? A poll should be a guide, not necessarily the only element in reaching a decision.
    As for Cortese, you can continue to shill for him but what he did in this instance appears to serve nobody but himself. If he was so interested in reaching a compromise why did he release his intentions to the media without even having the courtesy of informing Nyugen? Why wouldn’t he try “quiet diplomacy” if he was really interested in something other than votes. It’s nothing more than a typical political maneuver by a typical politician.

  16. Since this thread is about Constant, I do agree with his statement that the listening should have started before the council voted.  I tend to stand with Madison as I don’t think any government body should be threatened into compliance with an angry mob’s wishes, but am disappointed that no compromise was even considered.  Simply placing the word “Little” in front of the official name the council voted for would resolve the problem, but even that would reflect weakness on the part of the council body.

    What we all need to hope for is that Constant doesn’t create a similar situation where Pegram’s hate group stampedes City Hall in a similar fashion over this censoring issue.  I guarantee you the remarks from that group would make November’s scene look like nap time in kindergarten.

  17. Can anyone here really explain what Constant is proposing? 

    The facts please, just the facts. 

    Then we can have discussion on its merits of lack thereof.

  18. #18- Mark, I am not familiar with Larry Pegram’s group. Can you take a moment and fill us in? I met him when we both served on the Mayor’s Public Health and Safety Transition Committee, but we didn’t discuss anything to do with morals, or censorship.

    #17- How do you know Vice Mayor Cortese didn’t try to work with Ms. Nguyen on this? The Metro, I think it was, just wrote an article on Richard Hobbs of OHR, trying to work with Ms. Nguyen, and the Little Saigon people. My understanding is that they were completely open to meet with her, but that she blatantly refused to even consider a meeting about this. I agree with Mark in #18- that a compromise should have, and still should be considered.

    I support Vice Mayor Cortese’s efforts to try to resolve this. Vice Mayor Cortese has a long-standing record of doing out reach into the community on vital issues. My understanding of the situation is that, just prior to Ms. Nguyen coming onto the Council, Vice Mayor Cortese was working with Gregory and the planning dept. to designate a Little Saigon Business District in his own district. If I understood things correctly, his plan was put on hold because of the Terry Gregory debacle. When Ms. Nguyen took over D7 shortly there after, out of respect for her, Vice Mayor Cortese bowed out to honor Ms. Nguyen’s efforts in naming a Vietnamese Business District in her own D7. So to say that the Vice Mayor is using this opportunity to get into higher office is just untrue.
    I think JMO had it right all along. The City never should have gotten involved in this in the first place, but it has, and something needs to be done to heal the community.
    As to Dave using this issue to get votes, I think that’s pretty unfair to say. I think it is just a coincidence, since he had no part in starting this issue rolling in the first place. His behavior on this issue is no different than when he fought for the public on redevelopment issues in his district, or the Fire Station # 2 rebuild in Nora’s district, just to name a few. I think Vice Mayor Cortese is just a man who wants to see peace on this. And if he did try to do this, with “quite diplomacy,” as someone suggested, then people who be screaming he was being secretive. I guess “you just can’t please all of the people all of the time,” and must walk a path you believe is right, regardless of what your peers think. By the way, three Council Members voted no on this proposal because it didn’t support a majority vote in the community. I don’t hear anyone who supports Ms. Nguyen bashing them. Why is that?

  19. #17 – Fielding Mellish

    No, I don’t necessarily advocate government by the poll; however Madison told the community that she would abide by the results of the poll, and then when she did not like the result, changed her mind.  Now, if she had said from the beginning, “I am going to try and achieve a compromise between all groups, and find a name that all can abide by”, then I would be supporting Madison.  But that is not what she did.
    As to releasing his intentions to the Media, how do you know Vice Mayor Cortese didn’t try to work with Madison and the Little Saigon people quietly first? Just because the Mercury News didn’t report it doesn’t mean it didn’t happen.  I admire him trying to work with both sides.  And as for notifying Madison, Richard Hobbs stated he would help mediate a solution; working through a neutral third party might help both sides look at this issue a little differently, and aid in both reaching a win-win solution. 

    #18 – Mark T:

    It seems to me, from your comments, that you disagree with filters at the library – am I correct? I agree with you on this.  Our money can and should be spent where it is needed – our roads, more firefighters and police, etc.  If this was a big problem at the library, that would be one thing.  In that case, I would expect the Head Librarian to report this to the Council.  But from the reports in the Merc, here, and what I have heard at Council Meetings online, it doesn’t seem to be much of an issue.  Why spend our limited budget on something that is not really needed?

  20. He wants filters installed on computers at city libraries to prevent individuals from looking at porn, whatever that is.

    “That doesn’t bother San Jose City Councilman Pete Constant, who has asked the city to reconsider Internet filtering, citing reports of lewd acts involving people cruising pornography on library computers.”

    If you feel like paying the Mercury for old news their web-site has other articles.

  21. Interesting article.  I’m hearing that it the software would block legitimate research sites.

    I propose the library host a “hack-a-thon” and set up several of the versions of solutions that would fit Constant’s proposal and see how much legitimate research gets blocked, and score each solution.

    I heard testimony at rules by someone saying it would block searched for Dick Cheney, another worrying it would block Stienbeck.  Let’s have a demo of what these systems truly would do, and what problems they might cause.

  22. How much does Mr. Constant make from San Jose (disability and salary). Maybe he can fund the filter escapade from the Mayor and Council budget?

  23. Kathleen, I don’t know the exact name of Pegram’s group.  I’m sure a bit of Googling will locate it for you.  IIRC it has the terms “family” and “values” in it somewhere.  It is a faith-based hate group, that is the main thing people need to know, and Constant is in lock-step with their philosophies.

    When are people in this town going to wake up and stop electing ex-cops to the council?  Proposals like library filters are what we get from these types of psychologically compromised individuals.

  24. Porn-related misconduct in the library is either an issue or it is not. If the library staff considers it an issue that needs to be addressed by a change in security procedures or rules then the library staff should be qualified to make the needed changes. If, however, the library staff believes that the problem would be best addressed at the council level, then that is their decision to make.

    First question: Did this happen—did the library staff bring this problem to Pete Constant? If it did not then the second question becomes: how was this matter brought to his attention? If it came from his constituents, then the next question is all important, as the answer to it will reveal whether Constant responded by consulting the library staff (as would an objective representative), or if he instead immediately deemed it a problem in need of a solution (as would a self-serving politician), and put the issue before the council for a vote.

    The answers are no doubt there to be had, but no matter what they are, this scenario falls far short of qualifying the councilman for most of the criticism that’s been leveled at him here on this blog. Referring to Pete Constant as a “holier-than-thou moral army member” is exceedingly harsh—a charge that, judging from what’s been posted here and what I’ve seen during his short time in office, cannot be justified. If he’s guilty of pandering to a special interest, then accuse him of that. If he’s wrong about the issue, then accuse him of that. But hate? Where is the hate in his actions here? In your heads, perhaps?

    This particular blog seems to have set you social liberals off into an orgy of jerking knees and hyperbole. What’s the matter, are you folks so intolerant of Christians, right-wing Republicans, and “family values” that this issue’s got you foaming at the mouths? Exactly how much impact have these boogiemen brought into your lives here in San Jose? Remember, this is a city that jumped on the bandwagon to embrace SF’s patently-illegal gay marriage adventure. It is also a city that has elected openly-gay men to the council, promoted gay city employees to leadership positions, goes to great lengths to honor foreign cultures and holidays, and has refused to enforce U.S. immigration laws.

    So why the sky-is-falling reaction? Clearly, this city is run according to very liberal standards, yet Jack Van Zandt would have you believe that jackboots and book burning is just around the corner. Judging from the reaction of many of you, I think you’d like the jackboots and book-burners just fine, so long as they persecuted conservative Christians and burned only the Bible.

  25. I am pleased to announce that Councilman Pete Constant has agreed to write a reply to my column and we will publish it next Thursday, February 7. I hope that everyone will take the opportunity to engage the councilman on this issue.

    I would like to personally thank Councilman Constant for taking the time to participate in our discussion on San Jose Inside. I look forward to it.

  26. Why waste time with demos, hackers, etc. It’s all a waste of time. Why spend time or money trying to solve a problem that doesn’t exist?
    If Constant has nothing better to do with his time then it’s time for District One to find a new councilmember.

  27. Sounds like a solution in search of a problem. Why is it that the fiscal conservatives always end up supporting big government when it suits them?  Council should toss this proposal in the garbage where it belongs.

  28. The story that started it all was this investigative report, which I just read.  Seems like the library is covering it up.  They have video of the acts, it didn’t take much for ABC’s I-Team to get the goods:

    I guess if you don’t want to find it, it won’t be there, but it’s been reported there have been 10 cases of child molestation or other sex crimes involving kids at the SJ main library in a year, including a rape in Jan 2007.

  29. #29- Thanks so much Mark. I’ll see if I can find it.

    #31- Great news Jack. It’ll be interesting to see what he says. I’m not sure why he is driving this, but I get the impression that Council Member Constant is concerned about the safety and well being of children. Most Police Officers see child molestation, and sexual assault cases that would probably turn our hair gray. It’s understandable to me that they would be hyper sensitive to child abuse of any kind, and become over protective. And if #12- Not A Novice’s math is correct, those are pretty frightening numbers and is cause for concern!

  30. Jack,Jack,

        Your subject,“Self-Appointed Censor-in-Chief” reminds me of another “Censor_in-Chief” in our history, and an old saying,“the more things change, the more things remain the same”…in San Jose. Or another saying might be better to describe Cencors,” you agree with me or you are my enemy”.

      Lets go back to 2005 and “censors Rod Diridon and family”…at the time Rod was Mineta Institute Execuative Director. I believe Rod denied that he had Greg Perry was removed from the Forum panel because of Greg`s views…I believe Rod said,” organizers were seeking leaders with transportation expertise and diverse views”.

        So we ended up with Cindy Chavez and Carl Guardino two transportation experts with diverse views. Excuse me, I didn`t know that Cindy and Carl were “Transportation Experts”…and what…diverse views? I believed what the voters got was three organized debators,Rod,Cindy and Carl all with the same views… but Rod promised us “transportation experts”…what happened Jack? How do you see it three years later.

      VTA is a financial mess, our freeways, all of them are gridlocked, we have no Hybrid buses… or we have test hybrid buses we`ve been testing for eight years. VTA wants to sell of one of its financial assets, their property on San Carlos and Sunol…because they need money?

      Now the organizers want a 1/8th cent sales tax increase to finish the job and expect the voters to believe them…I don`t think so!

        One person said it well,” I think it shows that Greg Perry would have been good to have on the panel, “of allthe elected pfficials, Greg Perry has the bestunderstanding of this horrible situation. It`s just troubling they wouldn`t let him speack out”…Okuzumi.

        Now more come forward and again we try to discredit them because they have a true diverse views, and they are transportation experts…Roy Nakadegawa, Eugene Bradley.

        Jack, I believe you are right about censors.

  31. Well here we go again!  I told you about the mess at in the library system sometime ago and how it was being ignored. 

    I agree with “not a novice” Twenty four arrests is only 5% of all arrests at the MLK library over 2 years?  I am not a math whiz, but that seems to indicate that there were over 400 arrests at the library during a two year period.  That is about 17 arrests a month.

    What the heck is going on there?  Maybe they should move the library to the Eastside so it will be safer.

    Frank’s comment- He is right on track and those numbers are most probably watered down some.  In any case even those numbers are way too high…. for christs sake, we are talking about sexual misconduct in our libraries. 

    Most of you folks turn a blind eye to this activity and point fingers at others until something happens to you. Just like Jane Light is doing…. I have news for you, the summer of “love” 1968 is over and the “man” is not the problem anymore. 

    If this activity happened to you, then it’s a real topic to discuss. 

    I would like to meet with you “nay sayers” you know the ones that say this activity never happens in our libraries.  Feel free to respnd to me and we will go on a tour of our clean libraries. 

    I have to caution you though the floor might be a little sticky or slick along with the book covers and computer keyboards… and no I’m not being sarcastic, just realistic about the situation.   

    Posted by Kathleen Flynn – Great news Jack. It’ll be interesting to see what he says. I’m not sure why he is driving this, but I get the impression that Council Member Constant is concerned about the safety and well being of children. Most Police Officers see child molestation, and sexual assault cases that would probably turn our hair gray. It’s understandable to me that they would be hyper sensitive to child abuse of any kind, and become over protective. And if #12- Not A Novice’s math is correct, those are pretty frightening numbers and is cause for concern!

    Posted by Kathleen Flynn in San Jose

    Kathleen, think about what you just said in that post… Pete is concerned and is doing this for you, your kids and grandkids. 

    I look forward to hearing more from Pete, at least he has the guts to comment to you directly and bring this issue out into the open! 

    I back Pete ALL The way! 

    I may be old fart, but at least I don’t have rose colored sunglasses or blinders on.

  32. #36- Frank, I think it is great that you support Pete. I know him, and I know he is well meaning in his efforts, but I would like to see his column before I make a decision on this.
    I personally don’t think filters are going to stop child molestation, or sexual assaults in libraries, or anywhere else. Pedophiles, and rapists will view porn, regardless of any efforts made by Pete or anyone else trying to prevent it.
    Unfortunately, thanks to big business and the media, children are being exposed to things of a sexual nature way too much as it is. No matter how hard we try, we can’t protect them from everything bad in the world. Sad but true. Parents need to keep an eye on their children, and security at the library needs to be improved if these kinds of things are taking place in libraries~

  33. Kathleen,

    I do think you heard Pete or myself.  Thank you for listening like a mature adult.  You are correct in all of your assumptions, but the issue I think Pete is getting at is we can make our libraries safer. 

    I think the filters are a good start.  In most case studies that I have read on this subject; it is the easy access to the porn for the pedophiles is the start of the problem. 

    It was noted that some of the offenders admitted to being overly stimulated and needed to have an immediate outlet.  Hence the public masturbation and other lewd acts in the libraries that they visited. 

    It was also noted that to them it’s like an addiction that can’t be controlled.  I agree it is sick and I wish this stuff didn’t happen but we all live in the real world, well except for a few on this blog… 

    I noted long ago in an old post that Jane Light chose to not have security in our library buildings any longer.  There once were a team of Officers that kept this type of activity away from the libraries. 

    I think Jane disbanded that unit for cost savings from her budget.  I really like our libraries and enjoy the time that I am there. 

    But you know I too have seen some things that were a little “off” (if you know what I mean) for me to witness. 

    I had contacted the library administrators with my concerns and never heard back from them.  I bet if they still had the library security guys they used to have I would have got a call back or something?  I think bringing back security might make a difference. 

    I said before that I think Pete is going in the right direction, but just needs to come about it in a different way.  that way the simpletons that think it’s ok that masturbate, assault, rape or molest innocnet children is ok to do, even in our libraries or anywhere else understand it is wrong. 

    It just seems the library has a more captive client base for these freaks.  I don’t think Jane Light see’s that connection….

    Our City is in shambles and everyone turns a blind eye to it…

  34. #39- Take heart Frank, I don’t think there is a single person on this blog who wants child molestation, rape, or any thing else lewd going on in the library or any where else. I can’t speak for them, but I think they are expressing concerns about the way Pete is going about protecting children and public from these kinds of things, by suggesting filters as the cure all.
    I wasn’t aware that there is no security in the library! What the hell is that about? If these types of things have been reported, then some kind of prevention needs to be enacted there to ensure the safety and well being of children, and the public.

  35. All this huffing and puffing by Constant is a bit disingenuous. This is the same guy who thinks second-hand smoke is OK and the city shouldn’t do anything about it because it would be “nanny government.” But it’s OK by him to ban certain types of information in our libraries. Apparently Pete wants it both ways.
    All of these problems that have been mentioned, have been around long before there were computers in the library. Go after the perpetrators but don’t make the rest of us victims.
    This is nothing more than the usual moral crusaders parading around to protect us from ourselves.
    It’s too bad Constant has aligned himself with Pegram’s group. It’s also too bad that they don’t devote their time and energy to the real problems we are facing here in the city.

  36. Kathleen, I totally agree… Of course it will take years for this fix to happen.  In the mean time countless people will be exposed to this sick behavior.  I really want to hear what Pete has to say.  I really think our libraries need some type of help and protection again, that go beyond the filters.  I think the filters are just half of the story.

  37. Councilman Constant,

    For your article on Thursday I would like to see specific information that will support your position.

    Let us assume that the figure of over 400 hundred arrests at the library are correct.  Please provide us with details on each arrest (date, time, nature, etc.), and an explanation as to how filters on library computers would have prevented each arrest.

    Generic statements, such as “We need filters on the computers to prevent child molestation and/or lewd behavior.” are useless and irrelevant unless you also provide data that

    1. Shows that child molestation and/or lewd behavior at the library is occurring.

    2. Clearly demonstrates that the molestation and/or lewd behavior is a direct result of the perpetrator viewing something on a library computer.

    Thank you.

  38. is the website for Pete’s memo presenting his filtering program. Check the city website for Rules Committee on October 24, 2007. Library’s first report to Rules was January 16, documents not yet posted. Next report will be sometime in March. Pegram’s group is the Values Advocacy Council. The big group behind all this is the Alliance Defense Fund (Arizona), the group that filed the lawsuit which resulted in the Supreme Court decision that filtering (under certain conditions) does not violate 1st amendment rights. Read the court decision and then ask yourself, does his program meet the test? Like filtering, his program is a blunt instrument that I compared in my testimony to Rules to hitting a gnat with a baseball bat.

  39. I have to say that the majority of you folks resemble a certain large clumsy bird that like to burry it’s head in the sand and pretntend that nothing is happening in our libraries….

    We are not just talking about MLK Main, but all of the library branches!  I ask all of you to be mature and not be self serving in your comments. 

    It would be my guess that   (1) none of you are or have ever been a Police Officer (2) Have ever seen someone masturbating in a public place / Public Library (3) Have a “mature view” of what is morally correct. 

    After all it’s normal to masturbate, but thats done in private.

    I don’t know where you can masturbate in public and people would turn their head the other way and ignore the lewd activity…  Oh wait! there is a place to do that…. Just go to any San Jose Library and start crack’n!!! 

    I personally think that the porn activity on our “taxpayer” computer equipment is associated with public masturbation. 

    But hey, I’m an old man and have seen a lot of things over my lifetime.  Please think of this, would you want some guy playing with himself on your front lawn?  Pretty much that is what’s going on when they look at porn and masturbate in our libraries.

    I ask you to please look at this issue with an open mind and look at it from Pete’s point of view.  Do some research on sex predators and behaviors.

  40. 44 – No, I wouldn’t want some guy playing with himself on my front lawn. But, I wouldn’t try to get rid of all the lawns in the neighborhood because of it. I would rely on law enforcement to deal with the situation. For the same reason I would not expect access to information to be instituted at the library—I would again expect law enforcement to deal with the problem.
    Censorship is censorship—no matter how you try to package it. Sometimes being a free society is imperfect but that is the price we pay for freedom.

  41. I have yet to hear a satisfacory argument/explanation regarding why the “rights” of pedophiles and other perverts who, according to Ms. Light are a VERY SMALL number of folks using free library computers to masturbate to the free porn provided for their use, are superior to the safety of our children in the public library?

    It is an OUTRAGE that parents cannot let their kids go to the library unsupervised because we might infringe upon the “rights” of public masturbators, however many or few they may be.

    There’s this program out there whose name I cannot remember that designates areas as safety zones for kids.  Libraries can’t be safety zones any more, Ms Light?  Parents must escort their kids to the library and keep them in sight at all times??!! That is SO WRONG!!!

  42. The other argument I keep hearing is that porn filters are not perfect, so we can’t use them at all.

    Name me a single thing in this world that is perfect, Jack?  So, taking that argument, let’s abolish the FDA—it’s not perfect in screening drugs.  let’s abolish the FTC—it’s not perfect in keeping trade fair.

    Let’s abolish the Consumer Product Safety Commission—it let all those lead-laden toys from China into the US.  It ain’t perfect, so let’s abolish it.

    There’s talk of having special rooms for the ordinary folk and kids to access the internet @ the library, free from having to view the porn some users call up.  Once again, backwards.  If there are really so very few porn watchers on library computers, it would be far less inconvenient to assign them a special room to watch their porn on the taxpayer dime, and masturbate to their heart’s content.

    Don’t inconvenience the majority; if it’s necessary at all, inconvenience the minority of users who want to wank off at taxpayers’ expense.

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