If C. Jeffrey Stanley ever decides to break away from the bail and bounty business, he should consider taking up party planning.
The Bad Boys Bail Bond boss and his wife Cynthia Stanley threw a campaign soirée Monday night at a posh Willow Glen estate that the couple rents out for more than $900 a night on Airbnb. The lavish festivity with no shortage of food, drink or cigars was headlined by some of Silicon Valley’s most prominent business-aligned candidates running for local, state and national office.
The guest list included, among others, San Jose City Council members Dev Davis and Lan Diep—who are both seeking re-election—and council hopefuls Jonathan Fleming and Jim Zito.

California State Senate candidate and San Jose Councilman Johnny Khamis addresses attendees.
Fly also spotted Almaden Valley council rep and state senate contender Johnny Khamis, who donned a snazzy black fedora for the affair, and John Leyba, who’s eyeing Dave Cortese’s open Santa Clara County Board of Supervisor seat.
Leyba told Fly that his two kids have a big stake in the race since he promised to get them a cat and a dog if he’s victorious. That’s definitely an upgrade from the family’s current “pet”—a Roomba named Linty.
Another political aspirant making the rounds was none other than Stanley’s son-in-law, Justin Aguilera. The ex-Democrat who voted for Barack Obama in both 2008 and 2012 says he’s since flipped to red and now aims to unseat Congresswoman Zoe Lofgren (D-San Jose).

Santa Clara County Board of Supervisor candidate John Leyba, center, chats with guests.
While Lofgren has been tapped for a key role in President Donald Trump’s impeachment trial, Aguilera and his father-in-law have a friendly relationship with the Trump clan.
Aguilera and Stanley say they were with 45’s eldest son Donald Trump, Jr. in 2018 when he gave Secret Service a scare by diving into a gator-infested swamp in the Bayou.
“DT’s a cool dude,” Aguilera says. “He’s a guy that’s not scared of anything.”
Leave it to those who are involved in the sleazy cash bail business to self identify as trump chumps. Kind of a given. Hey Justin, good luck trying to unseat Zoe. Ain’t gonna happen, especially by you.
And what’s with “DT”? Deep throat? Delirium Tremens? Nothin good comes with initials like that.
Why the derogatory attacks on people different than you? What ever happened to “coexist” and “Open your mind”? The left seems to have forgotten everything good about themselves.
Current Democrats and Progressive firmly believe they are sole possessors of truth, justice, and the American way. As a class, they are the most bigoted people in America today. Fifty years ago their predecessors protested peacefully for free speech. Their grandkids now oppose anyone speaking who disagrees with their views, and protest violently against them.
Told you Dollar Dsve is a Trumper
What’s this?
Fly is covering a “business-aligned” (i.e., REPUBLICAN) fundraiser?
Clearly, a sign of the apocalypse.
That’s not a top hat. It appears to be a fedora.
Dollar Dave and Johnny Cash are grabbing the bail money to keep the state from reforming the bail industry.
Dave is not mentioned as being in attendance at this gathering. I’m not offended by your disdain for him, just your inaccuracy. The article only says;
Just do it! https://www.LeybaForSupervisor.com/donation
Rats! I didn’t even get an invitation. Maybe next time.
My memory is that this guy supported Cortese against Liccardo in 2014, which makes such a SVO-flavored soirée a little weird. Not sure if his donations are motivated by ideology or pure self-interest, but I suspect it’s the latter. If anyone has any good links to articles about the relationship between local Gov’t and the bonds industry, would love a recommendation.
The idea is No Bail is necessary just turn the bad guys loose and maybe they will come back for trial. Or maybe they will go hack some people up. Oh sorry, that was your family MS13 killed no problem.
It’s working so well in New York, New Jersey, Chicago and San Jose want to implement it too.
It’s Progressive !
“DT’s a cool dude,” Aguilera says. “He’s a guy that’s not scared of anything.”
Having a case of the DTs was about an alcoholic going through withdrawals. So I wonder which is worse. Was DT brave to dive into waters known to others as a habitat for man eating alligators, or was he just being himself, an ignorant man oblivious to the goings on around him, or even the seriousness of the situation? Is this Aguilera just as simple as DT, or is he actually trying to promote stupidity for the sake of being stupid? Inquiring minds want to know …. on second thought the key word being minds, I would think Not.
I missed my chance to get a Bad Boys t-shirt years ago.
Maybe they could sell them as a fundraiser.
I still wear mine now and then, and I have a couple of their lanyards, as well; which I use to hold my tickets to the AT&T Pro-Am and other ticketed events.
Why not use one of your Bad Boys lanyards and o hold one of your Bad Boys bail receipts.
Much more gravitas than a mere t-shirt. Anyone can buy a t-shirt.
Lots of attention to be had with a really BIG bail receipt. A chick magnet.
Stanley gets his money extorting homeowners for debts already paid by the bailee. Without receipts, the homeowner pays whatever amount he comes up with or he steals their property. Any politician attaching themselves to Stanley is only in his pocket to keep him from being convicted. No one jumps parties for any other reason but to stay connected to whoever is in power at the moment. Ask his victims and the FBI. Its all about to be headlines bigger than his soirée very soon,